Professional development is a win-win for employees and employers alike. For employees, it’s a way to increase your skills and knowledge, show initiative and enthusiasm for your work, and beef up your resume. For employers, the investment can encourage staff retention, increase productivity, and help your organization reach its goals faster.
As the community housing sector undergoes transformation, now is a critical time for housing providers to stay on-top of best practices and equip themselves to be forward-thinking. There are plenty of professional development opportunities available through ONPHA that can help with this.
Here are three steps to take when asking your organization to invest in your next professional development opportunity.
1. Make your request.

First things first, don’t be afraid to ask! Your interest in bettering yourself shows initiative, and many employers see the value in investing in staff development.
Once you’ve found a great opportunity that interests you, make sure you do your research before submitting your request. Have a plan for how you will manage the time commitment with your current workload, and be prepared to answer any questions your supervisor might have about the opportunity.
Once you’re sure this is a good fit for you, prepare a formal request.
Keep your email as concise as possible while including all the important details like relevant links, dates, key learnings, and cost (highlight any discounts you qualify for). Include an invitation to discuss the opportunity further in-person or on a call.
2. Show the value.

To get buy-in from your supervisor, take it a step further. Spell out exactly how this opportunity will benefit you and the organization.
Highlight the key areas of learning and relate them back to projects you are currently working on, your organization’s mission and goals, or work that you know is upcoming.
Help your supervisor understand why this is a great investment. Include any added value, such as the potential to make new connections or access additional course/event materials or perks.
3. Follow up.

The reality might be that your organization just isn’t in the position to invest in your professional development at the time that you put in your request. If they leave the door open, don’t be afraid to follow-up in the future.
The fact that you brought it up could inspire your organization to look for more professional development funds in their next budget.
Looking for your next great professional development opportunity?
One of North America’s most premier housing events, the 2022 ONPHA Conference, is taking place in Toronto from November 3 to 5.
Need approval from your supervisor or board in order to attend? Download our template and put in your request. Register before August 26 and save with early bird pricing.