We’re moving towards a modernized sector for non-profit housing. How can you help lead your organization into a healthy future? Join us at the 2017 ONPHA Conference and Trade Show to hear from TWO inspiring keynote speakers who will discuss exciting opportunities for our sector and how we can implement them.
Opening this year’s conference is David Orr, chief executive at the National Housing Federation – the voice of housing associations in England. Their members provide 2.5 million homes for more than 5 million people in England. Under his leadership, David has encouraged England’s housing sector to think differently, to reinvent and transform themselves in order to strengthen their voices, mission and purpose. ONPHA is excited to welcome David as our Opening Keynote and to hear about the experiences our England counterpart has had in cultivating a vibrant and more modernized future for their sector.

While David Orr will explore what is possible for the future of our sector, our closing keynote Ron Tite will provide you with the tools needed to shape that future. A business innovator and creativity expert, Ron is asking you to “Disrupt yourself!” Whether you are a manager or frontline staff, this talk is for you. Ron will discuss how it isn’t organizations that innovate, adapt or grow, it’s the people within those organizations that have that capability. Featuring one-part humour, one part kick-in-the-butt, one-part information and one-part inspiration, you will walk away with the tools you need to inspire change and lead this sector.
The 2017 ONPHA Conference and Trade Show – Shaping our Future – takes place November 3-5, with our pre-conference event Education Day on November 2, at the Scotiabank Convention Centre in Niagara Falls. David Orr will speak during the Opening Plenary on Friday, November 3 between 10-11:30 a.m. Ron Tite will close this year’s conference on Sunday, November 5 speaking after the annual general meeting from 10-11 a.m.
Learn more about this year’s conference at conference.onpha.on.ca and click here to register online. Make sure to register before our early bird deadline of September 15 to save on your registration fees!