Who we are

The Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association (ONPHA) represents non-profit housing providers who offer affordable rental homes to low- and moderate-income households, including specialized housing and support services. Our members are landlords from Ontario’s largest housing corporations, as well as independent non-profits and supportive housing organizations.

Ontario’s community housing sector plays a vital role in providing safe, affordable homes across the province. Here’s a look at its collective impact:

$38+ billion
in collectively owned assets
families and individuals housed
of Canada’s total community housing
of Ontario’s overall housing market

As leaders in housing affordability, ONPHA brings together a diverse network of individuals, organizations and professionals committed to making a positive impact in the community housing sector.  

Together with our members, we aim to build 99,000 new affordable units in 10 years, safeguard existing units, and support our members and partners in creating a sustainable future where every Ontarian has a home. Join us and help grow our collective voice to transform housing for everyone.

Empowering community housing providers

At ONPHA, we strive to be more than an association – we’re your strategic partner in advancing community housing across Ontario. Our approach combines powerful advocacy, professional development led by sector leaders, operational support, and dynamic networking to grow your impact.

Our programs and services include:

Featured stories

This article originally appeared on hubinternational.com  Because workplace diversity has become a stated goal for organizations across North America, it’s often presumed that inclusion will follow. But that’s not the case — even highly diverse workforces aren’t necessarily inclusive.  In fact, there’s a lot of confusion over… Read more of the article: Without Inclusion, Diversity Is Just Another Buzzword  

Are you passionate about affordable housing?

Join our network of organizations and individuals dedicated to fostering vibrant communities and ensuring everyone in Ontario has a place to call home.  

Discover the many ways you can be a part of the affordable housing community with an ONPHA membership or partnership. Together, we can shape the future of housing in Ontario.