Investing the time to manage your non-profit’s purchasing effectively can have a profound impact on your organization, far beyond cost savings. Read on to learn more. Read more of the article: Well-Managed Purchasing in the Non-Profit Sector: It’s About More Than Just Saving Money
It's been a challenging, but transformative year community housing Together, we proved we're a strong and resilient sector. See some of our collective wins from 2021. Read more of the article: 2021: ONPHA’s Year in Review
We just came through another challenging year. If you're in need of a little self-care over the holiday season, read these tips for some ideas! Read more of the article: It’s the most wonderful time of the year (or, is it?): Self-care for the holidays
Get inspired by these creative solutions that housing providers found to support their tenants and communities, and learn more about the projects that are making a difference in the sector. Read more of the article: 9 ways the community housing sector innovated in 2021
In November we welcomed over 670 delegates to the virtual ONPHA Conference. See some highlights from the event and save the date for next year! Read more of the article: Opening Doors Through Housing: 2021 Conference Highlights
As we continue our reflections from Remembrance Day and look ahead to National Housing Week, we’re exploring the role our sector plays in supporting and honouring our veterans. Read more of the article: Ending Veteran Homelessness: The Impact of Community Housing
ONPHA's team of experts answer a member question around verifying net income under Ontario's new, simplified rent-geared-to-income rules. Read more of the article: Ask Member Support: Verifying Net Income under the New Rent-Geared-to-Income Rules
After over 10 years, the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) will be proclaimed into force on October 19, 2021. Non-profits will have three years to review, update, and file governing documents (articles & letters patent) with the Ontario government. Here’s a snapshot of what you need to know to get started. Read more of the article: What you need to know about the new Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act
Get a preview of day three of the 2021 Conference and hear Director of Operations Andrew McKenzie's insights on sector sustainability Read more of the article: Creating solutions for a sustainable future: The 2021 ONPHA Conference
It's back to school season, a time when many tenants and their families can feel the pinch. Read on to learn more about financial opportunities for families to enable brighter future for the next generation. Read more of the article: Unlocking financial opportunities for ONPHA members and tenants