The arrival of COVID-19 has brought with it a set of unprecedented challenges for housing providers, not the least of which is ensuring a safe environment for tenants and staff. We’ve outlined some of the protocols ONPHA Members have adopted to keep their properties and workspaces as safe as possible during the pandemic. Read more of the article: Adapting to COVID-19: health and safety practices for housing providers
While necessary, social distancing restrictions are proving difficult for many. We talked to community housing providers across Ontario to see what they’re doing to keep tenants connected and informed while helping to reduce social isolation. Read more of the article: Maintaining tenant engagement and building community under social distancing
News comes rapidly as Ontario and Quebec take their first steps to loosen restrictions on social distancing. In this In Case You Missed It news roundup, our focus is on Ontario re-opening its economy and what ONPHA’s doing to support you. Read more of the article: In Case You Missed It: May 7, 2020
Most community housing providers will at some point, find themselves facing the difficult situation of a tenant having passed away in their unit. Read on to learn more about how to prepare your organization to handle the death of a tenant safely and compassionately while taking appropriate steps to ensure legal compliance. Read more of the article: Death of a Tenant: your responsibilities as a community housing provider
Question: My organization is unsure about how we should handle unit turnovers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read on to learn more. Read more of the article: Ask member support: managing new tenancies during the COVID-19 pandemic
In this week’s In Case You Missed It, we’ll go over the top 3 key updates over the past few weeks to keep you in the know and help your businesses run smoothly. Since our last In Case You Missed It, ONPHA has some major updates. Read on to learn more. Read more of the article: In case you missed it: April 23, 2020
A province-wide assessment of property tax values was to have been undertaken this year. It has been postponed. Read on to see how this will impact Ontario’s non-profit housing providers. Read more of the article: Changes to the Ontario Property Tax System due to COVID-19
We caught up with some of our past ONPHA Award recipients to see how winning their awards impacted them organizationally and on a personal level. Read on to hear what they had to say. Read more of the article: A check-in with past ONPHA Award Winners
News happens fast these days. Hour-by-hour, day-by-day, the coronavirus epidemic alters how governments and the sector acts. Read on to catch up on news you may have missed. Read more of the article: In case you missed it: April 9, 2020
Spring has officially arrived, and this particular spring comes with a unique set of challenges. Many community housing providers are finding it difficult to maintain services due to reduced staff availability and the need to work under the constraints of social distancing protocols. Read on to learn about some of the important tasks you may be able to get started on, even with reduced staffing. Read more of the article: Get your buildings ready for spring!