Question: I’ve been hearing a lot about End-of-Operating Agreements (EOA) and I’m not sure how I will be affected or what I need to do. Please help! Read more of the article: Member Support Question: Making sense of EOA
What will change for housing providers when operating agreements expire? The short answer is – a lot! Read more of the article: Big changes for housing providers post-EOA
Ontario’s recently passed Rental Fairness Act makes several amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA), many of which will impact the day-to-day operations of non-profit housing providers. Keep reading to find out what you need to know now, and other changes to expect. Read more of the article: Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act: What you need to know
Here are the top things that ONPHA thinks non-profit housing providers should know about what was, and wasn’t, in Budget 2017. Read more of the article: A missed opportunity for non-profit housing: ONPHA’s response to the 2017 Ontario Budget
After trying to work with one of my tenants to solve their arrears, they have become increasingly hostile towards me and other staff. The last time they came to the office, they used abusive language. I’m scared it could escalate to physical violence. What can I do to protect myself and my staff? Read more of the article: Member support question: Violent tenants
Safe work procedures will help you prevent accidents and avoid significant fines. Read more about how you can ensure your procedures on electrical safety are compliant. Read more of the article: Electrical Safety: Is it time to review your procedures?
Not all workplace injuries are immediately obvious. Some injuries develop over time and symptoms may not show up until later. Learn how to protect workers from common injuries before they become serious health and safety concerns in the future. Read more of the article: Act now to prevent future workplace injuries
Do you know what to do when you find a needle, syringe, or other “sharp” in your community? As a landlord, you need to know to safely handle these materials to protect your tenants and staff. Read more of the article: What would you do? Handling ‘sharps’ in your community
Do you often find yourself in situations where you (or your staff) are working alone? Find out what the law says about working alone and how to protect yourself and the workers around you in these situations. Read more of the article: The lone worker
On March 22, the Trudeau Liberal government tabled their second budget called Building a Strong Middle Class. Public reaction to the 2017 Budget has been mixed, however ONPHA sees the budget as setting an important financial stage for housing, albeit over a long term. Read more of the article: Budget 2017: A Historic Investment for Social Housing