ONPHA has recently joined the Vote Housing campaign to address housing affordability and end homelessness in Canada for the 2021 Federal Election. But what is Vote Housing? And what does it mean in the Ontario housing context? Read more of the article: Vote Housing: An Ontario Perspective
Your hub for community housing news and insights
ONPHA’s blog is your go-to source for news, insights, and resources related to community housing in Ontario. Stay up-to-date on sector trends, government policies on housing, and practical management tips.
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Our latest stories
Learn about Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation's Capital Regeneration Strategy and its plans for renewal, repair, regeneration, and development. Read more of the article: Community housing development: Renewal, repair, regeneration, and new development
Community housing in Ontario is at a critical moment in history. Read on to learn about ONPHA’s Solutions Lab on Community housing for the future: Taking collective action toward resiliency, a collaborative, future-oriented dialogue on Ontario’s community housing system. Read more of the article: Community housing for the future: Taking collective action toward resiliency
Protecting an organization from risk is one of the most important responsibilities of a non-profit board. Read on to learn more about risk management and the steps involved in creating an effective risk management strategy. Read more of the article: Risk management for boards: Protecting your organization
Get a preview of day one of the 2021 Conference and hear ONPHA CEO Marlene Coffey’s insights into how we’ll examine systemic solutions and prepare for the future of the community housing sector. Read more of the article: Leading the future of community housing: The 2021 ONPHA Conference
One of our tenants has moved his daughter and her children into his unit on an emergency basis. If she starts to pay a portion of rent and is included in the father’s rent calculation, would she be considered a tenant? Read on to see the answer. Read more of the article: Ask Member Support: Occupant or tenant?
The LTB, with the input of key stakeholders, has recently undertaken a series of changes aimed at improving access to and modernizing its services. Read on to see the latest updates. Read more of the article: Updates from the Landlord and Tenant Board
The Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA), passed in 2010, is scheduled to come into effect later this year. Read on to learn about some of the changes you can expect to see when ONCA comes into force. Read more of the article: The Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act: Preparing your organization for change
Ottawa Community Housing (OCH) recently announced that it had entered into a memorandum of understanding with PAL Ottawa to create 80 new units for senior arts workers in Ottawa. Learn about this new development and the partnership between the two organizations. Read more of the article: OCH and PAL Ottawa partner to create affordable homes for Ottawa’s senior arts workers
ONPHA recently gathered together community housing leaders to discuss the dos and don’ts of housing development in our 'Developing community housing – lessons from the frontline' workshop. Read on to get CCOC/Cahdco's breakdown of the key elements and steps to consider when developing community housing. Read more of the article: Community housing development: Key steps in the process