Mapping Ontario’s affordable housing commitments
Explore the interactive map below to see government announcements related to funding programs for affordable housing projects in Ontario since June 2018.
This tool highlights recent funding announcements in response to ONPHA’s recommendations. It does not provide a comprehensive account of outcomes achieved to date.
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Funding programs and initiatives
Browse through the different funds and programs available to community housing providers in Canada. To narrow your search, you can filter by ONPHA’s Advocacy Pillars by selecting a pillar name below.
ONPHA Advocacy Pillars
Urban, Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy
The Strategy will complement the 3 existing distinction-based housing strategies: First Nations Housing and Related Infrastructure Strategy, the Inuit Nunangat Housing Strategy and the Métis Nation Housing Sub Accord.
Social Services Relief Fund
This funds was developed to help protect the health and safety of the province’s most vulnerable people in response to the outbreak of COVID-19.
Sector Transformation Enterprise Program Grant
This program connects community housing providers with pre-vetted professional services to assist them in preparing for End-of-Mortgage and/or End-of-Operating Agreements negotiations with their service managers.
Sector Transformation Fund
This fund provides non-repayable contributions to support the longer-term evolution of community housing providers’ business models. The goal is to encourage the development of more efficient and resilient business models without displacing low-income households.
Rapid Housing Initiative
This initiative provides capital contributions to facilitate the rapid construction of new housing and/or acquisition of existing buildings for the purpose of rehabilitation or conversion to permanent affordable, supportive, or transitional housing.
Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative
This initiative provides flexible funding to address local housing priorities and improve access to affordable housing options. It aims to increase affordable housing supply and improve the state of repair of the affordable and social housing stock.
Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund
The fund will help 425 small, rural and northern communities renew and rehabilitate critical infrastructure.
New Deal for Toronto Act
This Act aims to achieve long-term financial stability and sustainability by providing operating supports and capital relief, including: subway-integrated transit projects, support for shelters and homelessness, identifying provincially owned surplus lands, and more.
Municipal Housing Infrastructure Program
This program supports core infrastructure projects that help enable housing, such as roads and water infrastructure. This funding will help municipalities get shovels in the ground on critical infrastructure that helps for more homes.
More Homes Built Faster Act
Under the legislation, up to three units will be allowed on a single residential lot without any bylaw amendments or municipal permissions. Duplexes and triplexes could also be built on single residential lots, regardless of municipal zoning laws.
Modular Housing Initiative
This initiative aims to create new homes in Toronto by building small-scale infill housing that provides people experiencing homelessness with safe homes and appropriate supports to help them achieve housing stability.
Investment in Affordable Housing – Extension
This fund supports initiatives like new construction, renovation, homeownership assistance, rent supplements, shelter allowances, accessibility modifications, and accommodations for victims of family violence.
Indigenous Supportive Housing Program
The program aims to provide Indigenous-led, culturally appropriate long-term housing such as supportive housing, transitional housing, rent supplements and housing allowances to Indigenous people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Indigenous Community Infrastructure Fund
The funds support and invest in the immediate infrastructure needs of Indigenous communities for ongoing, new and shovel-ready projects.
Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund
The funds will help municipalities repair, rehabilitate and expand drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure needed to build more homes.
Housing Accelerator Fund
This program aims to help increase housing supply and support the development of communities that are more affordable, diverse and climate-resilient by removing barriers to encourage local initiatives to build more homes, faster.
Homelessness Prevention Program
The funds will provide ongoing support to service managers so they can maintain and improve local by-name lists, including housing assistance, supportive housing or rent supplements, and services like Ontario Works or health care.
Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act
The funds will be used to double the number of full-time adjudicators at the Landlord Tenant Board, and to strengthen protections against evictions due to renovations, demolitions, and conversions.
Get it Done Act
This Act will help streamline environmental assessments to support municipalities and will change the legislatively approved official plans of some of the province’s fastest-growing municipalities to address local priorities.
Federal Lands Initiative
This fund supports the transfer of surplus federal lands and buildings at discounted to no cost to be developed or renovated into affordable, sustainable, accessible and socially inclusive housing.
Federal Community Housing Initiative
The Federal Community Housing Initiative (FCHI) Phase 1 & 2 supports federally administered community housing projects reaching the end of their operating agreements from past social and affordable housing programs.
Elimination of HST on purpose-built rentals
The elimination of the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) aims to incentivize the construction of rental homes by introducing legislation to remove the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the construction of new apartment buildings for renters.
Cutting Red Tape Act
The Cutting Red Tape Act To Build More Homes Act will address stalled developments in ready to go projects, streamline approvals in certain types of housing to reduce delays and costs, invest in housing-enabling infrastructure, and remove sale tax on purpose-built rentals.
Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative
This initiative provides funding to repair, regenerate and expand community housing. It can also be used to support community housing providers whose original program arrangements are expiring and help them to become more sustainable.
Canada Ontario Housing Benefit
This program is a housing allowance that provides eligible households with a housing benefit to assist with the cost of rent. The benefit amount is determined by the Province and paid directly to clients or their landlords.
Canada Mortgage Bond Program
The annual limit for Canada Mortgage Bonds is being increased from $40 billion to up to $60 billion and will unlock low-cost financing for multi-unit rental construction. This new measure will help to build up to 30,000 more rental apartments per year.
Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund
Pending provincial buy in. The funding aims to speed up construction and upgrade key components needed to support building more homes such as waste and water infrastructure.
Canada Greener Affordable Housing
This program will make funding available in low-interest repayable and forgivable loans over the next four years to help affordable housing providers complete deep energy retrofits on residential rental buildings.
Canada Community-Building Fund
This fund supports infrastructure projects that help communities become more livable and that align with regional housing goals, enable urban density, and help to improve housing affordability for Canadians.
Building Ontario Fund
Ontario’s new infrastructure bank aims to support the financing and building of critical infrastructure projects across the province.
Building on Public Lands Program
This program will support an overhaul of the Canada Lands Company to expand its activities to unlock more federal lands for affordable housing providers.
Building Faster Fund
This will reward municipalities based on performance against provincial housing targets. The province will also expand strong mayor powers to municipalities projected to have populations of 50,000 or larger by 2031 that commit to meeting their provincial targets.
Apartment Construction Loan Program
Previously known as the Rental Construction Financing initiative, this program is designed to incentivize the construction of purpose-built rental housing by providing fully repayable low-interest loans to developers.
Affordable Housing Innovation Fund
This fund supports new ideas that will drive change and disrupt the industry — ideas and approaches that will evolve the affordable housing sector and create the next generation of housing in Canada.
Affordable Housing Fund
Previously known as National Housing Co-Investment Fund, it provides capital for new affordable housing and the renovation and repair of existing affordable and community housing. Funds are provided as low-interest and/or forgivable loans and contributions.
Note: ‘Homes Committed’ represents a target goal encompassing both affordable and market-rate units. It represents an objective and does not reflect the number of units currently allocated or achieved.
Our vision in action
At ONPHA we advocate for the non-profit housing sector to deliver sustainable, equitable housing and create communities where all people can thrive.
We advocate for the Province to:
- Build at least 99,000 new co-op and non-profit homes that are needed immediately, create at least 30,000 supportive housing homes over the next 10 years.
- Build at least 22,000 new Indigenous-owned and operated homes in urban, northern, and rural areas within the next 10 years.
- Develop a new capital repair program to protect Ontario’s existing stock of 260,000 community housing homes.
- For the over 650 co-ops and non-profits entering Ontario’s new Service Agreement framework, the province must ensure that the outcomes of the agreements support the renewal of these communities and their long-term viability.
- Expand rental assistance and enhance other income support programs, such as the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit, to keep people housed and prevent pathways into homelessness.
We advocate for the Government of Canada to:
- Support the protection of and increase in community housing supply that meets the needs of Canadians by enhancing the financial incentives and opportunities within the National Housing Strategy.
- Implement a comprehensive, urban, rural, and northern Indigenous-led housing strategy that includes dedicated investments to support the construction and delivery of housing for Indigenous peoples.
- Invest in cross-governmental approaches to meet diverse housing needs and help eliminate chronic homelessness.