By: Jodi Zigelstein-Yip, Chief HR Innovator and Founder at Enliven HR Consulting Inc.

January marks the beginning of a new year for all of us. It is a time for self-reflection, and setting goals to improve ourselves, our teams, our organizations, and the communities we serve.
We know the #1 reason why talent leave organizations is the relationship they have with us as their leader. We know that many leaders have never been formally trained in how to lead others, get promoted from individual contributors to leaders without knowing how to inspire, engage, empower, coach, and develop team members. We also know that only about 27% to 29% of leaders are successful when promoted into leadership roles without formal leader development.
Leading others is complex and challenging. You experience curveballs thrown at you daily and you are unsure how you will deal with them. You may feel overwhelmed at times as you deal with conflict, productivity issues, absenteeism concerns, performance issues, leaves of absences, and other complexities of the employment relationship all while trying to attract, engage, develop, and retain exceptional talent.
So, what are your New Year’s resolutions? Do you want to build yours and your team’s ability to lead with passion, to build a strong culture of excellence, inclusion, and embrace leading others by focusing on your own professional development?
It all begins with a mindset to lead with impact, to bring your best self to work every single day and live a leadership brand that exudes confidence, credibility, and authenticity.
Leading others is not natural for many. It often takes someone telling us we need to develop our leadership competency, or we recognize it ourselves. It is a lifelong journey of self-exploration of how we can make an impact in the lives of the team members we work with every day.

Over the last year ONPHA listened to members and know through discussions with CEO’s, Executive Directors, and others that leaders are struggling. There is a critical need now more than ever to enhance the ability of leaders in your organizations to lead successfully and to develop competence in dealing with people-related challenges, that impact the team and the organization’s overarching success.
The Leading with Impact program has been designed with all leaders in mind. This 10-module program has been developed to provide you tools, skills and resources to help you be more successful, lessen your overwhelm and worrying and help you push yourself to be a better leader. We build competency in the major areas listed below:
We will be covering topics including:

· Building your own style and personal leadership brand. Effectively leading your teams and organizations through change.
· Creating highly engaged and effective teams.
· Successfully coaching and providing feedback to team members.
· Managing performance and discipline.
· Resolving conflict using various tactics.
· Knowing key employment legislation that impacts the employment relationship.
· Addressing absenteeism and accommodation issues.
· Hiring exceptional talent and how to ensure an effective process is followed.
Our facilitators at Enliven HR work and challenge you along your journey to be better than when you joined the program. We spend time with you in large group discussions, breakout rooms and ensure we are available for you to get in touch with us throughout the program to bounce ideas off and ask questions relating to your journey.
If you have questions or are contemplating joining the Leading with Impact program and wish to speak with someone on the Enliven HR team, feel free to reach out at and we will get back to you right way with a time to speak. We truly hope you will join us on this journey. We are looking forward to it!