Regional MeetingsHere at ONPHA, the office is always a little bit quieter in March and April, as our policy and education staff hit the road to host Regional Meetings right in our members’ backyards.

In 2017, more than 600 members joined us at meetings across the province, from Toronto to Thunder Bay, Windsor to Ottawa, and ten more communities in between.

This year, we changed things up a little – by offering the same tailored learning opportunities that members have come to expect, but in a more fluid, collaborative and interactive format.

The meetings were a chance for members to come together with their regional colleagues to have a lively dialogue and grapple with some our sector’s most pressing questions.

Together, we had a look at what changes lie ahead, and how we can apply more business-like, entrepreneurial thinking to our work, so that we can adapt and thrive in a modernized sector.

Here’s what members had to say on what they appreciated most about the meetings:

“It was great to challenge the ‘norm’ for housing providers – we need to plan ahead, change the rules, get creative and be the change!”

“The discussions on transformation, business-like thinking and planning for change were particularly useful.”

“Lots of chances to meet, network, and check in with other housing providers to hear their ideas and concerns, and how they’re solving problems in their communities.”

“Being new to the sector, this was a great opportunity to meet some new faces and learn about ONPHA and the sector”

“I appreciated the new format – it kept us very engaged!”

We’re glad to hear that it was a valuable day for our members across Ontario. If you didn’t have the chance to join us, we hope to see you in 2018!

ONPHA would like to thank the following organizations for supporting our 2017 Regional Meetings:

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