Education tailored to your team’s needs
ONPHA members looking for private group training for housing providers can count on us to develop tailored, interactive opportunities delivered directly to you. We offer customized versions of our most popular courses, and can collaborate with you to create new learning experiences that perfectly align with your needs.
Training opportunities for housing providers
Browse through our on demand courses below and contact us at to get started.
The Residential Tenancies Act
Overview of the Residential Tenancies Act
Get the big picture as a non-profit housing landlord under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA).
In this course you will learn: your rights and responsibilities as a landlord, the exemptions from the RTA that apply to community housing, the procedures used at the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB), how to use the right forms when terminating a tenancy, and more!
You will walkaway with details of the eviction process, information about notices, schedule of exemptions for non-profit housing providers, and sample LTB forms.
Landlord and tenant roles and responsibilities
The RTA defines the roles and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants when starting a tenancy, during the tenancy, and when a tenancy ends. A breach by either party can be resolved at the LTB.
In this course you will learn: the roles and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in the areas of paying and collecting rent, maintenance and repairs, privacy and reasonable enjoyment for all tenants, the exemptions from the RTA that apply to community housing, and when breaches occur and what remedies are available.
You will walkway with more information on what is and what is not considered rent, and a sample package of templates, tenant notices, and agreements.
Residential Tenancies Act for tenants
Introduce tenants to the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) in a clear way. With a focus on the tenant-related aspects of the Act, tenants will also receive an overview of how the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) operates, and the basics of the RTA.
In this course, tenants will learn: their rights and responsibilities in housing, a landlord’s rights and responsibilities, and a primer on the LTB forms and hearings.
Rent-Geared-to-Income Administration
RGI Administration under the Housing Services Act
Be supported through the process of rent-geared-to-income (RGI) administration under the Housing Services Act (HSA) from beginning to end. Content can be customized to reflect any service manager’s local rules.
In this course you will learn: the legislation, its regulations and local rules, how to determine RGI eligibility, what income is included/excluded, how to calculate RGI rent and apply utility adjustments, how to implement changes, what notices should say, when to send notices and how to handle appeals, where and when to use discretion effectively when making decisions and interpreting the legislation.
You will walkway with checklists, helpful charts and tables, sample RGI notices, and more!
Fundamentals of non-profit housing governance
Governance is crucial for boards to meet their responsibilities as organizational stewards. In a complex and ever-changing environment, non-profit housing providers are expected to provide the best quality housing possible to meet the communities’ housing needs now and into the future, protect the non-profit housing sector’s assets, ensure compliance with legislation, regulations and guidelines, and lead responsive, effective, and efficient organizations.
In this course you will learn: self-governance strategies to enhance the effectiveness of the board, how to understand and be compliant with your organization’s legal and fiscal responsibilities, plan strategically to address short- and long-term goals, and how to integrate good governance into organizational processes.
Strategic planning
The board of directors is responsible for thorough, ethical, and legal governance, financial management, and for making sure there are enough resources carry out the organizational mission. Strategic planning is the single most effective way to ensure the health of your organization.
In this course you will learn: the cycle of strategic planning, how individual elements build towards a plan that is customized to meet organizational needs, how to facilitate the participation of the full board and stakeholders in the planning process, and how to oversee the creation and monitoring of business plans that operationalize strategic directions.
You will walkaway with new checklists, facilitation strategies (including tenant and stakeholder engagement), and sample planning session agenda and business plan templates.
Financial stewardship
A key responsibility of the boards of directors is to ensure that the finances of the organization adequately meet the needs both now and in the future.
In this course you will learn: how to set, monitor and control operational and capital budgets, the financial policies that ensure legal compliance and organizational stability, how to provide internal controls and monitoring functions to all financial activities, and how to interpret financial statements and reports to identify operational issues and inform good decisions.
Reading financial statements
To meet mandated responsibilities, it is critical that boards receive financial reports on a regular basis, and understand how to interpret what they see.
In this course you will learn: how to understand common financial statements and reports that help boards do their work, how to interpret financial statements and reports to identify operational issues, strategies for making good financial decisions, and how to plan strategically for the financial health of the organization.
Winning the bed bug battle
Preventing, treating and managing bed bugs is an ongoing and ever-present challenge for housing providers.
In this course you will learn: how to identify bed bugs, best practices in unit preparation and treatment protocols, ideas for educating and supporting tenants, ways to reduce the risk for staff of transporting bugs home, techniques for preventing the spread of bugs from one unit to another.
Continue on your learning journey with ONPHA
Stay informed and build your skills with our diverse learning opportunities. From self-paced online courses to expert-led webinars and workshops, we offer a range of options to help you advance your career in community housing.