Navigate the financing process for your next affordable housing project with this step-by-step guide. Read more of the article: Three steps to securing financing for your next affordable housing project
Every development project faces at least some resistance. What steps can you take to attract allies and manage relationships well for a successful project? Read on! Read more of the article: Before you build the housing, build support
Element5 are taking over the blog to share about a sustainable, Ontario-grown affordable housing solution using modular design and solid wood. Read more of the article: Who knew? Affordable Housing Grows on Trees
Get tips on the financial basics of developing community housing from Cahdco, Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation's development corporation. Read more of the article: Community housing development: Financial basics
Learn about Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation's Capital Regeneration Strategy and its plans for renewal, repair, regeneration, and development. Read more of the article: Community housing development: Renewal, repair, regeneration, and new development
Ottawa Community Housing (OCH) recently announced that it had entered into a memorandum of understanding with PAL Ottawa to create 80 new units for senior arts workers in Ottawa. Learn about this new development and the partnership between the two organizations. Read more of the article: OCH and PAL Ottawa partner to create affordable homes for Ottawa’s senior arts workers
ONPHA recently gathered together community housing leaders to discuss the dos and don’ts of housing development in our 'Developing community housing – lessons from the frontline' workshop. Read on to get CCOC/Cahdco's breakdown of the key elements and steps to consider when developing community housing. Read more of the article: Community housing development: Key steps in the process
Across Canada, communities face housing shortages and homelessness crises as traditional building methods fail to meet society’s immediate needs. Read on to find out how modular construction can help provide solutions to the affordable housing shortage. Read more of the article: Building towards the future of affordable housing
Learn about how the Green Municipal Fund (GMF) is working to help affordable housing providers reduce costs and emissions through sustainable builds and retrofits. Read more of the article: Increase energy efficiency and lower costs through sustainable construction and retrofits
The YWCA Hamilton share their experience as one of the first organization's to navigate the funding process of the National Housing Co-Investment Fund - New Construction Stream Read more of the article: Member Experience: Navigating the National Housing Co-Investment Fund