What better way to recognize and celebrate accomplishments than with awards of recognition? Nominations are now open until May 31! Read more of the article: Help us celebrate housing excellence with the 2023 ONPHA Awards
What better way to recognize and celebrate accomplishments than with awards of recognition? Nominations are now open until May 31! Read more of the article: 5 reasons why you should nominate for the ONPHA Awards
Get inspired by these creative solutions that housing providers found to support their tenants and communities, and learn more about the projects that are making a difference in the sector. Read more of the article: 9 ways the community housing sector innovated in 2021
Community housing in Ontario is at a critical moment in history. Read on to learn about ONPHA’s Solutions Lab on Community housing for the future: Taking collective action toward resiliency, a collaborative, future-oriented dialogue on Ontario’s community housing system. Read more of the article: Community housing for the future: Taking collective action toward resiliency
Ottawa Community Housing (OCH) recently announced that it had entered into a memorandum of understanding with PAL Ottawa to create 80 new units for senior arts workers in Ottawa. Learn about this new development and the partnership between the two organizations. Read more of the article: OCH and PAL Ottawa partner to create affordable homes for Ottawa’s senior arts workers
The 2020 ONPHA Award winners received their awards in the midst of an unusual and challenging year. We caught up with them to see how the award has impacted their organizations and what they've been up to over the past year. Read more of the article: The 2020 ONPHA Award winners: Where are they now?
The ONPHA team is excited to build on the work we did in 2020 and we’re using our experience and lessons learned to inform our strategies for 2021. We have a lot to accomplish this year and we’re ready to roll up our sleeves and get to it. Read on to see ONPHA’s New Year’s resolutions. Read more of the article: ONPHA’s New Year’s resolutions
Ottawa Community Housing is taking over the ONPHA blog! Learn about their innovative and award-winning green initiatives and how they're improving the tenant experience. Read more of the article: Ottawa Community Housing reduces carbon footprint while building additional affordable housing capacity
Across Canada, communities face housing shortages and homelessness crises as traditional building methods fail to meet society’s immediate needs. Read on to find out how modular construction can help provide solutions to the affordable housing shortage. Read more of the article: Building towards the future of affordable housing
Learn how supportive housing providers are adapting to meet the needs of their communities during COVID-19. Read more of the article: Providing tenant supports during COVID-19: provider practices